Tight Ass & Boring Orgasms

Let me tell you my friend, nothing has taught me more about the transformative capacity of the pussy than putting my hand inside a few hundred vaginas.

Well, inserting one finger to be exact...

I've been practicing manual therapy for the pelvic bowl since 2013, when I studied with the vagina wizard Tami Lynn Kent.

Contrary to popular belief, a "weak" pelvic floor is relatively rare - I've felt only 2 or 3 cases.

Usually, we are holding TENSION in our root. I think it's unavoidable really, because we are responding to stressors all the time, whether we’re consciously aware of it or not.

You know how our shoulders/neck/jaw get tight when we're stressed? The same thing happens in the root of our body in our pelvic bowl.

Basically, when our nervous system says NO to something, our pelvic muscles can clench up. Our pelvic muscles naturally have a wide range of movement, just like our hand can open wide and close into a fist.

When our root holds on to stress, we can start to lose function because our muscles are just gripping all the time - we no longer have access to the full range of movement of our pelvic muscles.

And that makes for puny orgasms, because...

When our root is at ease, we have a deliciously expansive space in which to contract and shudder in orgasm. If our pelvic muscles are chronically clenched, our orgasms end up only having a liiiitttle tiny space to rattle around.

(And then there's the - very common - issue of letting loose some pee when we weren't meaning to... ALSO very often caused by pelvic floor tension.)

So what do YOU do to relax your tight shoulders? Take a hot bath/shower, breathe, get a massage?

Guess what. The same approach can relax our root too if we focus our attention there, because our root is so sensitive (read: receptive) that a little goes a long way.

You can try it right now if you're game:

1. Gently lay one hand over your vulva.

2. Make some big, huge sighs - six or seven times. Don't do anything special with your inhale, just focus on letting go with your exhale. Open your mouth wide! Make some sound!

(You're probably feeling your pelvic floor move against your hands as you do this.)

3. Next, send the attention of your mind to follow your breath. Again, you don't need to do ANYTHING with your inhale - this is not yoga class :)

Keep letting your exhales be BIG and FREE, rolling right out of you.

Our breath is the great ventilator of our nervous system. Big, free exhales can move anything inside us that needs more space.

4. Ok, now pause and check: does your root feel different than a few minutes ago? How?
I’d love to hear; hit reply and let me know!

With love + liberated roots,

P.S. Want to explore more hands-on, revolutionary care for your root?
Check out my course, Sovereign Vagina. The next course opens in late spring 2023!

Revitalize your root with holistic pelvic care


Revolution Through the Vagina


That Tricky V