Consult your future self
I’ve been thinking about EMOTIONAL LITERACY: how we develop skills to traverse hard situations and feelings.
Emotional literacy utilizes tools that we hone over time. But even with lots of practice, we can totally forget about our tools.
Here's my basic toolkit that I can usually remember:
Breathe. And exhale all the way. Over and over.
Move your body. Work with plants. Bathe. Go stay outside for a while. Pray. Sing.
And just wash yr frickin' laundry so you can feel accomplished with something already.
The hardest thing for me is when I feel far from myself, far from my visions and purpose, and far from my growth into who I am here to be. I remembered my basic tools last week, but they weren't enough. I forgot about my next-level tools.
I forgot that right here on the desktop of my computer I have a letter from my future self. My future self is further along the path. She has more experience courting the truth of my soul. She has lived through the struggles I face and can meet me here with the wisdom and guidance I need to become HER.
Future self says (to me and to you):
You are gifted. You are a vessel through which life asks to shine.
Treat yourself as such, my dear.
The work you carry is unique and valuable. People need what you have to offer.
Don't worry about knowing how to do all the things, or that it's not perfect. You become better only through practice.
And yes, some people don't and won't like you. Receive the feedback that helps you grow and move on.
You have a job to do. Just follow your instructions. It doesn't matter if they make you squirm. It's not about you.
You can't fail, because you are here for a reason and you are guided. You do not walk alone, remember.
You are going to feel so much better on the other side of this hump you're stuck at. Don't get caught up on how long you've felt stuck here. That doesn't matter. Down the road, you'll understand something valuable about this experience.
Show yourself love. Go forward. Seek guidance. Do the work. Rest. Do it again. It's not that hard.
Only you can do what you do, the way you do it. YOU are the differentiator. You are the instrument for your work to enter the world.
What's in your toolkit? What does your future self say?